Saturday, October 27, 2012

REVIEW: MeMeMe's Flawless Face Collection

My first review on this entry is about the make up I recently purchased. I got this one last Saturday at Superb Bazaar in World Trade Center. The MeMeMe Flawless Face Collection of course by MeMeMe. It comes with 3 shades and  I purchased the darkest shade (since I consider myself darker than a morena)

The box comes with Seventh Heaven Facial Base Moisturizer (uppermost), Flawless Liquid Foundation, (left), Flawless Concealer (down), Flawless Loose Powder (middle) and a big soft Brush.

This collection is a but pricey for me since I really don't have a budget and was only planning to buy only the set of Miner's Matte Factor. It costs me around P2,300 courtesy of Make Up Hub by Naturele Collezione (check out their varieties of MU brands from US and UK). One of their guest MU artist that time is Ms. Say, and asked her about what other make up I should add in my collection. She did a little make up and at first I was not really convinced but since they're really nice, I did purchased this one (knowing I already have Mac's Studio Fix Liquid Foundation). They said that this collection lasts for long hours (despite of having an oily skin) and I won't regret buying this product. I got home regretting buying this product but I convince myself that I will love this product (for me not to cry over in trashing real money wherein I can purchase other product cheaper than this one).

Moving on, the first time I used this product is when I checked in last Tuesday in Hotel H2O. Me and my friends are planning to go on a gimmick so I decided to bring this one with me instead of my other liquid foundation. I was completely amazed because all my facial impurities (my acne scars) are covered with this product and the application of the foundation doesn't look that thick or so called the "obviously full coverage". And the scent smells good too. First you have to apply the Seventh Heaven Facial Base Moisturizer, followed by the Flawless Liquid Foundation (I applied the foundation through my Foundation Brush then did the finishing touches with my finger since I left my sponge at home) and put on some concealer on my eye bags (since I always sleep late) and also my acne scars, then finishes it off with the Flawless Loose Powder using the brush included in this set. My other friend asks me if he can use my foundation and he said that he loves it more than my usual liquid foundation. I swear, purchasing this collection is worth the money. I am willing to give up my Mac Studio Fix Liquid Foundation for this collection, (I'm sorry Mac, but I still love your other products).

Here are the pros and cons of this product:
- flawless finish without the obviously full coverage look (it doesn't look like you put on heavy foundation like other make up does with our face)
-it doesn't feel heavy
-it doesn't give me any breakouts even though I slept with make up on (I came to the hotel from gimmick and in order not to wake the kids, I preferred to only change my clothes then go to bed already, too lazy to wash my face because I'm drunk)
-doesn't smudge
-doesn't leave any make up marks on my clothes or when I damp my face with a tissue
-i didn't have any retouches the whole night
-it smells good
-yes, for me, it costs me high
-didn't achieve the no oily look because it didn't meet my expectations on achieving a non-oily gimmick night (good thing I brought with me my Eshiko Powder with me that saves the night).

Rating it from 1-5 (1 lowest and 5 being the highest), I gave this collection a grade of 4.5.

I hope my review helps you in purchasing the right product.

With Love.


Disclaimer: This review is base on my honest and sincere observation base on how it works on my skin/face. I do not claim that my personal experience might be similar to the reader's experience, too. Before purchasing the product, kindly check the active ingredients and in case of irritation, kindly discontinue use the product.