Friday, December 21, 2012

GIVEAWAY: IAmBabyPanda's Holiday Giveaway

One of the generous blogger is here! Tadaaaa! I Am Baby Panda is giving away some goodies these Holiday Season.

And guess what she'll be giving away? It's only Clarisonic Mia Sonic Skin Cleansing. (Oh La La)

Do you think her giveaway will end up giving this "to die for" item only? There's more!

If you're suffering from Dry Skin. This is another item she'll be giving away together with Clarisonic:

And if you have dry skin, these items are up for grabs if you win her contest! Plus the "to die for item" Clarisonic:

So you don't have to worry if her giveaways will suit what your skin needs or not. Amazing items on your wish list, right? For more details, click here.

Another thing, I Am Baby Panda has lots of giveaway in store for us her beloved readers. To view her blog entries, click here.

With Love.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

CONTEST: Props Tools and Cosmetics Enhance Beauty Contest

Hey guys, I just joined this contest in Facebook and I really need your support. The contest last day of joining will be today and I made some hauling on my previous pictures and choose one which I consider I am at my Enhanced Natural Look. Please like Props and Tools Facebook Page first.

Props Tools and Cosmetics

Here is the preview of my picture posted in the contest. Then for my picture link, click here. Don't forget to like my picture. And feel free to leave any comments.

My Enhanced Natural Beauty

What is Natural Beauty for me?

Natural Beauty for me is how proud you are of what God gave you. Yes, make up makes us more beautiful and boost our confidence. But beauty fades in time and what's important is how good your heart is. We don't treat people base on their looks but on how good they treat other people, too. Do good deeds and physical appearance doesn't matter anymore. Real beauty is not seen with our two eyes, it is the heart that can really see it.

For promo mechanics, click here.

Thanks and don't forget to like my picture. It's 15% of the Criteria for judging!

With Love.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

REVIEW: Look Beauty's Prime Perfect & Airbrush Base

I'm up for my new babies! Yeah, it took me 15 days after my purchase to make a review on these babies. I'm sorry! Okay, let's get back to business. Introducing...

Look Beauty's Prime Perfect Primer and Airbrush Base Foundation.

It took me 10 days after my purchase before I use it on a certain occasion (mom's birthday), and it was perfect! Here is a picture of me using both product.

DSLR picture:

Phone Camera Picture:

Aha! I feel very beautiful with these pictures. I did the smokey eye for day make up. Both products are very easy to apply. Agree? I hope so.

Up next are the packaging of Prime Perfect and Airbrush Base

Look Beauty's Prime Perfect weighs 35 ml. This is my only primer in my kit but so far this is the best primer to date! And very affordable. The packaging comes with a plastic seal between the body and the silver cover, and another seal when you remove the silver cover (to assure that the product is unused).

Look Beauty's Airbrush Base Foundation comes with a plastic seal all over the container that can be remove by tearing it. I like it's packaging as it assures every user that this is an unused product compare to any foundation that only comes with the container w/o any seal. What I want in the packaging is it comes with a pump so it's easy to use. I was supposed to purchase Flawless Fix Beauty Balm but the shades left are lighter than my skin color so I ended up purchasing Airbrush Base Medium Shade #3

Here are the textures of both product:

Prime Perfect Primer

Prime Perfect Pros and Cons:
-the packaging is sealed
-comes up with a plastic container so no need to worry when you accidentally drop it.
-worth the size: it weighs 35ml
-clear texture is an advantage for me. I don't have to worry if it will blend on my foundie.
-application is very easy. can be applied with fingers. it leaves a smooth effect on my skin.
-dries up easily as it easily absorbs the skin.
-blends perfectly with foundation (I tried this with Mac's Studio Fix and Loreal Foundation)
-price wise: it costs me Php750
-since it comes with a transparent color, you can't notice if you have already applied this one on one area of your face (tinted primer has an advantage for this) unless you touch that particular area in your face.
-no expiration date and ingredients.

*product is tested using another brand of foundation and it gives me the same effect using Look Beauty's Airbrush Base. For make up look using both products, please refer to my picture above.

For Airbrush Base Foundation

Airbrush Base Pros and Cons:
-packaging is sealed
-worth the size: 40ml
-product details won't come out easily
-product is dense. good thing it comes with a pump
-doesn't feel heavy when applied
-doesn't need to re-apply to get the desired effect on face
-I don't have to use a concealer to cover my blemishes. (note that the picture taken above, I used a concealer on my eye area).
-it comes with 5 shades.
-price wise: it costs me Php850
-it comes with a glass container so you have to be really careful with this.
-since the texture is dense, it takes time to dry/absorb by skin. I tried using foundation brush on this one but I prefer using the local version of beauty blender sponge so skin absorption/drying is faster than using foundation brush/fingers.
-no expiration date and ingredients.

*tried this foundation without using the primer. the effects are it leaves my skin a little oily, perspire a little and heavy but it gives me a satisfying physical effect. I'd still prefer using this product with primer.

Because of these products, I am now a fan of Look Beauty and will sure buy other Look Beauty products for my next investment.

I will definitely purchase both products again and these two babies are my favorites. Prime Perfect sells like pancakes so grab yours, now!

Where did I got them?: For orders or to view their varieties of make up from US and UK, click Make Up Hub by Naturele Collezione.

Rating it from 1-5 (1 lowest and 5 being the highest), I gave Look Beauty's Prime Perfect Primer a perfect grade of 5 and Look Beauty's Airbrush Base Foundation a grade of 4.5-5. (4.5 for foundation alone and 5 for using it with primer).

I hope my review will help you in purchasing the right product.

With Love.


Disclaimer: This review is base on my honest and sincere observation base on how it works on my skin/face. I do not claim that my personal experience might be similar to the reader's experience, too. Before purchasing the product, kindly check the active ingredients and in case of irritation, kindly discontinue use the product.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

REVIEW: Beautie Jele Collagen + Vitamin C & L-Glutathione + Zinc Fruity Drink

Heya! I'm so excited with this review. I went to this supermarket I visit 3-5x a week (besides my son's school) and I spot this 2 items. Since I don't take any medicine for my skin improvement due to some reasons (having too much pimple that leaves annoying marks on my face and for glutathione products, it's quite expensive. I just want to bring back my old complexion because I always take my son to school with a motorcycle that leaves me having darker skin, and applying lotion is not an option because I perspire that much and it's uncomfortable), I came to my senses that I can't have that glow back during my younger days.

My prayers have been answered when I saw this product. This is such a heaven for me. Introducting Beautie Jele! (clap clap clap).

Jele Beautie Club

Jele Beautie

They have 7 product/flavor to choose from:
L-Glutathione + Zinc
Fiber + Chlorophyll
Calcium + Vitamin D:
Vitamins A,C,E
Collagen + Vitamin C

Here are the two products that I consume for 1 week already.

Would you believe that these items are within everybody's budget? It's around Php22 each. It comes with 7 flavors to choose from. Click here for the complete view of their beverages. Serving size is around 150g.

Jele Beautie Pros and Cons:
-affordable price!
-doesn't give me any side effects (so far for 1 week use already, taken everyday)
-great, exciting flavors.
-full of nutrients and beneficial elements suitable for your need
-innovative type of jelly juices, both safe for kids and adults
-comes with a manufacturing date and expiration date
-the packaging comes with different language (the nutritional fact and details about this product) so if you are  very certain about the nutritional fact, you won't be able to know unless you know someone who can translate it for you (a big no no for this product). But the ingredients active in this product is written both in different language and in English.


I feel beauty inside and out (like the Myra E commercial says, but since Myra E gives me a negative effect on my face, I discontinue use the product and replace it with these items). My skin is supple and I feel more confident.

I just have to inform you guys that there is no approved therapeutic claim of this product. In short, this is just a supplement or vitamins and this product do not intend to cure sickness. This is not a substitute or replacement to supplements who can cater your needs (i.e., glutathione + vit. c for your glutathione pills/injectable or collagen for vit. e or collagen creams). I just use them to replace my supplementary needs and it is my choice. I do not claim that it can cater your supplementary needs, too, with the use of these products.

Where did I got them? I bought them in Shopper's Mart Binondo and they cater 5 out of 7 different flavors (Glutathione, Collagen, Gojiberry, Fiber + Gojiberry and Vitamin A,C,E).

Rating it from 1-5 (1 lowest and 5 being the highest), I gave these products a score of 4.5.

I hope my review will help you in purchasing the right product.

With Love.


Disclaimer: This review is base on my honest and sincere observation base on how it works on my skin/face. I do not claim that my personal experience might be similar to the reader's experience, too. Before purchasing the product, kindly check the active ingredients and in case of irritation, kindly discontinue use the product.

MONDAY haul: Beauchè and Jele Beautie

Heya! I'm back! I apologize for the late post of my Monday Haul. Anyway, lets get back to business. I went to Quiapo last Monday because I discovered from my cousin about this product that will make your face flawless (been suffering from facial scars and impurities).

BEAUCHè's Kit: Php750 (This kit includes Beauty Bar, Skin Toner, Clarifying Solution, Exfoliating Cream, Rejuvenating Cream and Age Eraser Cream)

BEAUCHè's Beauty Bar (135g): Php58

I'm on my 3rd day already and after a week or two, I will post about the improvement or effect of this product on my face. For more information on this product, click here.

JELE BEAUTIE's Collagen + Vitamin C: Php22
                                L-Glutathione + Zinc: Php22

I've been taking this drink for 1 week now. I bought this item in Shopper's Mart Binondo.

Both items are on my list and up next is my review for both products. Ciao.

That's it for my MONDAY haul.

With Love.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

SUPERB BAZAAR Haul: Ciate and Look Beauty's Prime Perfect and Airbrush Base

Welcome to my very first HAUL! I'm so excited to what I bought a while ago. I did a little shopping and I found these goodies. Yey me, additional stuffs in my beauty bag!

I've been eyeing on this Look Beauty's Prime Perfect for almost a month. (Make Up Hub by Naturele Collezione, I can't really resist your make-ups!) I know there will be another Superb Bazaar at the World Trade Center (my first time was last October this year) and so I grabbed this opportunity to witness myself the new items Make Up Hub by Naturele Collezione is offering now. Entrance fee is around P100 and you'll get a bag for free! I dare to add something to my original list since it marks my pay day! I am so excited to make a review about these new goodies but for now, let me give you a quick review about these items:

CIATE'S Caviar Manicure: Php1,000 (the Caviar Manicure set comes with Caviar Beads, Paint Pot, Funnel, Instructions to use in different languages and a plastic container).

*you'll get a free treats (as seen on my introductory picture, very left) when you purchase this one, and a free Caviar Manicure experience with a Paint Pot and Caviar Beads of your choice (I'm sorry I wasn't able to take a picture of my manicure experience with them, my phone isn't working well, bad lights around the area, and I'm proud Ms. Sarah herself is my Nail Tech that time, hihihi. Thanks for entertaining me, Ms. Sarah).

LOOK BEAUTY'S Prime Perfect: Php750
                                Airbrush Base: Php 850

Here are the items that are on my original list. (items with strike through are the items I haven't bought)
- LOOK BEAUTY's Prime Perfect
- LOOK BEAUTY's Flawless Fix

Here are the items that are not on my original list (items with strike through are the items I'm looking forward to buy in the future)
- CIATE's Caviar Manicure
- LOOK BEAUTY's Airbrush Base
- LOOK BEAUTY's  Power Lashes Made Easy
- LOOK BEAUTY's Brow Perfect
- LOOK BEAUTY's Holiday Glow

Click here to view Make Up Hub by Naturele Collezione's varieties of Make Up from US and UK.

That's it for my SUPERB BAZAAR haul.

With Love.
